La buhardilla de Kassandra

Un santuario donde atesoro mis proyectos decorativos... y algunas otras pequeñas maravillas que enriquecen el Alma

diciembre 01, 2012

Danza de Kwan-Yin (o las Mil Manos)

Esta bellísima danza representa a Kwan-Yin (Guan Yin), reverenciada por los budistas como bodhisattva de la compasión, de quien se dice que posee ojos en las manos para ver en mil direcciones a quienes sufren, y "mil brazos extendidos" para acudir en ayuda y consuelo de ellos. La performance, realizada por veintiuna bailarinas chinas, maravilla por su perfecta sincronización y su exquisita plasticidad; pero lo más sorprendente es que todas y cada una de ellas son TOTALMENTE SORDAS, por lo que no pueden oír la música y se desplazan en el escenario bajo la guía de cuatro coordinadoras (dos de ellas se pueden ver a los lados, vestidas de blanco) que les marcan la coreografía con señas... 


2 comentarios:

Lady of the Woods dijo...

oh mi anam cara, this is so wonderful! I have seen this before but I didn't know they were all deaf! Oh the compassion and beauty of Quan Yin! I adore her, have spoken with her and she with me. I have her statue everywhere in my house and gardens. Thank you for posting this. I will send you all the compassion I have, please receive it. <3<3<3

Kassandra dijo...

I did receive it, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your loving support and wise advice which helped me so much to go through these hard times... You can´t imagine how much I have thought and learned from your last mail, my sweet Soul Sister!!! About Kwan-Yin, She is really one of my Reiki Master Spirits, I also have a statue of her in my private meditation corner... (another "coincidence"??? LOL)and as you can see She always comes when someone is suffering, although I didn´t expect her in a so beautiful and touching way...
Thanks for being there, Anam Cara mia! Promise I´ll write "a looooong one" as soon as I get a bit stronger.


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